Secure Systems Engineering, Fall 2024

Lab 4

Please read this description in its entirety before starting the assignment!


Cryptography is an important tool for building secure systems. In this lab, you will explore how to build a file encryption service in Rust. We wish to allow a sender to securely communicate a file to a receiver. We do not assume the sender and receiver have communicated before, and therefore the two parties do not have some kind of shared secret beforehand. This file transfer must occur in the presence of an adversary who can eavesdrop on the connection to attempt to learn the contents of the file. 

To do this, we’ll need 3 cryptographic primitives.

In addition to these primitives, we’ll also need serialization to convert raw bytes into a text-friendly format. For this, we’ll use Base64, which is commonly used on the Internet.

Security note: this is a simple assignment, and not intended to be a production-ready system. While we do minimally defend against the threat model outlined above, this approach is less robust in the presence of an active adversary. So, do not use your implementation for actual sensitive file transfer.

Learning objectives

In this assignment, you will:

Helpful resources

Assignment setup

Rust installation

If you did not set up Rust during lecture, you’ll need to install it first.

Open a terminal and enter the following command:

$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

The command downloads and runs the rustup script, which installs Rust. :

Rust is installed now. Great!

I highly recommend installing VSCode and its Rust extension before you start this assignment.

Starter code

The starter code can be found in its GitHub repository.

Functions to implement

The following are the functions you have to implement for this assignment. The functionality for each is described below. It is up to you to implement and test this functionality using Rust. You may only modify the body of these functions. You may not modify the function signatures, i.e., the arguments and return values of each function must stay the same.


fn save_to_file_as_b64(file_name: &str, data: &[u8])
  1. Encode data as Base64 using the engine BASE64_STANDARD.
  2. Write the contents of the Base64 string to the file given by file_name.


fn read_from_b64_file(file_name: &str) -> Vec<u8>
  1. Read the contents of the file given by file_name.
  2. Decode the contents of the file using the engine BASE64_STANDARD.
  3. Return the decoded bytes.


fn keygen() -> ([u8; 32], [u8; 32])
  1. Generate a StaticSecret from random.
  2. Generate a PublicKey from this StaticSecret.
  3. Convert the secret and public keys to bytes.
  4. Return a tuple of the secret key bytes and public key bytes.


fn encrypt(input: Vec<u8>, sender_sk: [u8; 32], receiver_pk: [u8; 32]) -> Vec<u8>
  1. Convert the sender secret key array into a StaticSecret.
  2. Convert the receiver public key array into a PublicKey.
  3. Perform Diffie-Hellman key exchange to generate a SharedSecret.
  4. Hash the SharedSecret into 32 bytes using SHA-256.
  5. Transform the hashed bytes into an AES-256-GCM key (Key<Aes256Gcm>).
  6. Generate a random nonce for AES-256-GCM.
  7. Encrypt the input under the AES-256-GCM key and nonce.
  8. Append the nonce to the end of the output vector containing the ciphertext.
  9. Return the vector of bytes containing the ciphertext and the nonce.


fn decrypt(input: Vec<u8>, receiver_sk: [u8; 32], sender_pk: [u8; 32]) -> Vec<u8>
  1. Convert the receiver secret key array into a StaticSecret.
  2. Convert the sender public key array into a PublicKey.
  3. Perform Diffie-Hellman key exchange to generate a SharedSecret.
  4. Hash the SharedSecret into 32 bytes using SHA-256.
  5. Transform the hashed bytes into an AES-256-GCM key (Key<Aes256Gcm>).
  6. Extract the ciphertext and the nonce from input. The last 12 bytes of input contains the nonce (which we generated in Step 6 of encrypt), while the rest of input contains the ciphertext to decrypt (which we generated in Step 7 of encrypt).
  7. Decrypt the ciphertext using the AES-256-GCM key and nonce.
  8. Return the vector of bytes containing the plaintext data.

Command-line interface

The main() function in the code handles command parsing and calling functions. You may not modify this function. The different commands supported by the command-line interface are below. Take a look through the code to see how main() handles each command.

cargo run keygen <secret_key> <public_key>

Generate a keypair for encryption.

cargo run encrypt <input> <output> <sender_secret_key> <receiever_public_key>

Encrypt a file to a receiver.

cargo run decrypt <input> <output> <receiver_secret_key> <sender_public_key>

Decrypt a file from a sender.

Dependencies and crates

To implement the above functions, you will need to use external crates. You are allowed to only use the crates that are listed in Cargo.toml. You may not add new crates as dependencies. Here are links to the documentation pages for each of the crates used:

The documentation for all of these crates is quite good, and will be critical as you implement the functions in this code.


You will need to implement some tests to make sure your code works. It is up to you how you decide to write tests, and for what portions of your code. This may require you splitting up functions so you can test them easier. Part of your grade will be determined by your approach to testing. You may consider applying test-driven development to write your code, but this is not a hard requirement.



There are two examples located in the examples/ directory with files generated using the solution implementation. Use these files to help develop your solution. Be careful – if you overwrite the files, you may find that your values are different. Make sure you’re using the files (from the repository) when testing against these examples.

cd examples/

There are two parties, A and B.

cargo run keygen a_sk.txt a_pk.txt    # party A
cargo run keygen b_sk.txt b_pk.txt    # party B

The Base64 in a_sk.txt corresponds to the following bytes:

[77, 105, 123, 62, 170, 198, 29, 150, 82, 70, 152, 150, 38, 114, 94, 160, 7, 84, 131, 221, 130, 89, 77, 243, 191, 147, 174, 121, 49, 91, 187, 214]

The Base64 in a_pk.txt corresponds to the following bytes:

[30, 142, 43, 24, 172, 129, 55, 138, 115, 90, 233, 202, 162, 74, 49, 37, 111, 215, 214, 13, 51, 75, 19, 255, 87, 44, 170, 227, 217, 121, 217, 34]

The Base64 in b_sk.txt corresponds to the following bytes:

[45, 203, 5, 168, 176, 17, 244, 93, 85, 7, 38, 91, 166, 223, 208, 58, 83, 180, 175, 225, 226, 207, 80, 104, 97, 11, 46, 234, 214, 48, 39, 37]

The Base64 in b_pk.txt corresponds to the following bytes:

[246, 88, 196, 62, 121, 69, 20, 123, 199, 128, 26, 114, 238, 35, 255, 153, 209, 43, 110, 231, 78, 227, 115, 192, 90, 20, 40, 5, 151, 98, 253, 123]

Of course, Diffie-Hellman keys are randomly generated, so your implementation will generate different keys from the ones in these files. But, you should be able to use them to check the format, and to test your other functions (like the Base64 ones).

Example 1

Example 2 was generated with A as the sender, and B as the receiver.

cargo run encrypt example1.jpg example1_enc.txt a_sk.txt b_pk.txt 
cargo run decrypt example1_enc.txt example1_out.jpg b_sk.txt a_pk.txt

The Base64-encoded version of the shared secret after Diffie-Hellman key exchange:


The Base64-encoded version of the key used to encrypt/decrypt (i.e., the SHA-256 hash of the shared secret):


Note that, because nonces are randomly generated, your encryption function’s example1_enc.txt will differ from the one in the repository. But, the shared secret will be the same, and your decryption function should be able to decrypt the example from the repository into example1_out.jpg.

Example 2

Example 2 was generated with B as the sender, and A as the receiver.

cargo run encrypt example2.jpg example2_enc.txt b_sk.txt a_pk.txt  
cargo run decrypt example2_enc.txt example2_out.jpg a_sk.txt b_pk.txt

The Base64-encoded version of the shared secret after Diffie-Hellman key exchange:


The Base64-encoded version of the key used to encrypt/decrypt (i.e., the SHA-256 hash of the shared secret):


These are indeed the same as in Example 1, which makes sense: regardless of who initiates the key exchange (A or B), the shared secret is the same.

Again, because nonces are randomly generated, your encryption function’s example2_enc.txt will differ from the one in the repository. But, the shared secret will be the same, and your decryption function should be able to decrypt the example from the repository into example2_out.jpg.


  1. save_to_file_as_b64 functional completeness (5 points). Your save_to_file_as_b64 function correctly encodes bytes into a Base64 file.
  2. read_from_b64_file functional completeness (5 points). Your read_from_b64_file() function correctly decodes a Base64-encoded file.
  3. keygen functional completeness (15 points). Your keygen() function correctly generates a Diffie-Hellman keypair.
  4. encrypt functional completeness (30 points). Your encrypt() function correctly encrypts the two examples.
  5. decrypt functional completeness (30 points). Your decrypt() function correctly decrypts the two examples.
  6. Code design and style (15 points). Your code is organized into functions where appropriate and is commented throughout. Your code also contains adequate unit tests (i.e., #[test] functions) for the program.


Upload the following to Blackboard before the due date above:

Only one submission per group is necessary. Blackboard is set up with your randomly selected groups for this lab. Make sure each group member’s name is in your Cargo.toml:

authors = ["Partner 1", "Partner 2"]


This project takes inspiration from the age specification.