Computer-Aided Analysis Tools for Engineers

Spring 2025

An introduction to computer aided analysis techniques necessary for the study of electrical engineering and the design of electrical systems. Concepts introduced through short lectures are examined thoroughly during computer workstation-based workshops. Among the topics studied are: functions of real variables and their graphs, complex numbers and phasors, linear algebra, difference equations with applications to signal processing, and an introduction to system analysis. (2 credits)

πŸ“ ENGR 10300-M meets Tuesdays & Thursdays from 11:00a - 12:15p in Steinman 269.

Prerequisites: Calculus I (MATH 20100), with a minimum grade of C.

Course instructor: Tushar Jois (Office hours: Tue 4:00 - 4:30p in Steinman 638)

Course text: William J. Palm III, MATLAB for Engineering Applications, 5th Edition (9781264926800).

Course Goals

At the completion of this course, students will be able to:
  1. Utilize the MATLAB environment to perform basic scalar and array manipulation tasks.
  2. Develop programs using functions and control flow structures.
  3. Visualize and analyze data through plotting, regression, model building, and statistical analysis.
  4. Implement numerical and symbolic methods for linear algebra and calculus.
  5. Apply MATLAB to problems across engineering and computer science.

Course Schedule

The schedule for the course is available below, and includes information on units and key dates. This course schedule is subject to change at any time. The course staff will notify students of any schedule changes as they occur. Course materials, lab submission, and grades will be on Brightspace.

Date Topic Logistics
Unit 1: MATLAB Basics
Tue Jan 28, 2025 Lecture 1: A tour of MATLAB Read the course syllabus (this page) and Chapter 1, Sections 1.1 – 1.6
Thu Jan 30 Lab 1: Problems from Chapter 1 Lab 1 due Feb 3 10pm
Tue Feb 4 Lecture 2: All about arrays Read Chapter 2, Sections 2.1 – 2.4
Thu Feb 6 Lab 2: Problems from Chapter 2 Lab 2 due Feb 10 10pm
Tue Feb 11 Lecture 3: Fun with functions Read Chapter 3, Sections 3.1 – 3.4
Thu Feb 13 Lab 3: Problems from Chapter 3 Lab 3 due Feb 17 10pm
Tue Feb 18 No class (Monday schedule)
Thu Feb 20 Lecture 4: Pro programming Read Chapter 4, Sections 4.1 – 4.7
Tue Feb 25 Lab 4: Problems from Chapter 4 Lab 4 due Feb 28 10pm
Thu Feb 27 Midterm 1 Review Prep for Midterm 1 (next class!)
Tue Mar 4 Midterm 1
Thu Mar 6 No class (Wednesday schedule)
Unit 2: Problem Solving with MATLAB
Tue Mar 11 Lecture 5: Scheming & plotting Read Chapter 5, Section 5.1 – 5.4
Thu Mar 13 Lab 5: Problems from Chapter 5 Lab 5 due Mar 17 10pm
Tue Mar 18 Lecture 6: America’s next top data model Read Chapter 6, Sections 6.1 – 6.2
Thu Mar 20 Lab 6: Problems from Chapter 6 Lab 6 due Mar 24 10pm
Tue Mar 25 Lecture 7: Lies and statistics (online lecture) Read Chapter 7, Section 7.1 – 7.4
Thu Mar 27 Lab 7: Problems from Chapter 7 Lab 7 due Apr 1 10pm
Tue Apr 1 Lecture 8: Lisan al Gebra Read Chapter 8, Sections 8.1 – 8.5
Thu Apr 3 Lab 8: Problems from Chapter 8 Lab 8 due Apr 7 10pm
Tue Apr 8 Midterm 2 Review Prep for Midterm 2 (next class!)
Thu Apr 10 Midterm 2
Tue Apr 15 No class (Spring break)
Thu Apr 17 No class (Spring break)
Unit 3: Advanced Topics
Tue Apr 22 Lecture 9: Numbers and Symbols Read Chapter 9, Sections 9.1 – 9.2, and Chapter 11, 11.1 – 11.3
Thu Apr 24 Lab 9: Problems from Chapters 9 and 11 Lab 9 due Apr 28 10pm
Tue Apr 29 Lecture 10: Crypto Means Cryptography (Reading TBA)
Thu May 1 Lab 10: Classical Cryptography Lab 10 due May 5 10pm
Tue May 6 Lecture 11: Crypto Still Means Cryptography (Reading TBA)
Thu May 8 Lab 11: Modern Cryptography Lab 11 due May 12 10pm
Tue May 13 Midterm 3 review Prep for Midterm 3 (next class!)
Thu May 15 Midterm 3

Take note of the midterm exam dates. I expect all students to take these exams in person; please let the course staff know of any issues at least two weeks before any potential absences.

If you are unable to keep up with the course, or expect to miss class due to extenuating circumstances, please inform the course staff as soon as possible.

Take my advice: don't fall behind!

Coursework and Grading

This course makes a distinction between formative and summative coursework.

Formative assignments are designed to get you familiar with the material and try out concepts. As they are for practicing, formative assignments are graded only to ensure completion of assigned tasks. However, content from these assignments will appear on the exams. It is important to complete these assignments with full effort to truly comprehend all of the material; attending lectures is insufficient. Deadline extensions will not be provided for formative assignments. The following are this course's formative assignments:

Summative assessments on the other hand, are designed to evaluate your progress in the course. These form the majority of your final grade in the course. Content on these assessments will be derived from lecture material and assigned problems. The following summative assessments will be utilized in the course:

The course will be weighted as follows:

25% Midterm Exam 1 (in class)
25% Midterm Exam 2 (in class)
25% Midterm Exam 3 (in class)
25% Labs (completion, 11 total)

Extra credit will be awarded to the lab grade for each attendance at a Department Seminar. Details on this opportunity will be announced in class.

The following grade scales will apply to weighted scores, at a minimum:

100%: A+ 99-91%: A 90%: A-
89-87%: B+ 87-81%: B 80%: B-
79-77%: C+ 76-72%: C 70%: C-
69-60%: D < 60%: F

The instructor may choose to curve all class grades up at the end of the course, and the above cutoffs could shift, which might improve your grade. Note that this is not guaranteed, and would occur at the instructor's sole discretion.

In accordance with college policy, note that 5 or more absences from lab sessions will result an automatic WU grade for the semester.


This section has been adapted from a similar warning used by Chris Fletcher.

This course will include topics related computer security and privacy. As part of this investigation we may cover technologies whose abuse could infringe on the rights of others. As computer scientists and engineers, we rely on the ethical use of these technologies. Unethical use includes circumvention of an existing security or privacy mechanism for any purpose, or the dissemination, promotion, or exploitation of vulnerabilities of these services. Any activity outside the letter or spirit of these guidelines will be reported to the proper authorities and may result in dismissal from the class and possibly more severe academic and legal sanctions.

Acting lawfully and ethically is your responsibility. Carefully read the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), a federal statute that broadly criminalizes computer intrusion. This is one of several laws that govern "hacking." Understand what the law prohibits. If in doubt, we can refer you to an attorney.

In addition to the law, as members of the City College of New York and users of its computer systems, you are also bound by its policies on computer use.

Class Climate

I am committed to creating a classroom environment that values the diversity of experiences and perspectives that all students bring. Everyone here has the right to be treated with dignity and respect. I believe fostering an inclusive climate is important because research and our experiences show that students who interact with peers who are different from themselves learn new things and experience tangible educational outcomes. Please join me in creating a welcoming and vibrant classroom climate. Note that you should expect to be challenged intellectually by myself and your peers, and at times this may feel uncomfortable. Indeed, it can be helpful to be pushed sometimes in order to learn and grow. But at no time in this learning process should someone be singled out or treated unequally on the basis of any seen or unseen part of their identity.

If you ever have concerns in this course about harassment, discrimination, or any unequal treatment, or if you seek accommodations or resources, I invite you to share directly with me, the department, or university administration. We promise that we will take your communication seriously and seek mutually acceptable resolutions and accommodations. Reporting will never impact your course grade. In handling reports, people will protect your privacy as much as possible, but faculty and staff are required to officially report information for some cases (e.g. sexual harassment).


Students with disabilities (including those with psychological conditions, medical conditions, and temporary disabilities) can request accommodations for this course by providing an Accommodation Memo issued by the AccessAbility Center/Student Disability Services (AAC/SDS).

If you are struggling with anxiety, stress, depression, or other mental health-related concerns, please consider visiting the CCNY Counseling Center. If you are concerned about a friend, please encourage that person to seek out their services.

You are welcome to bring a family member to class on occasional days when your responsibilities require it (for example, if emergency childcare is unavailable, or for the health needs of a relative). Please be sensitive to the classroom environment, and if your family member becomes uncomfortably disruptive, you may leave the classroom and return as needed.

Academic Integrity

This course is subject to the Academic Integrity Policy of the City University of New York, quoted partially below.
Academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York. Penalties for academic dishonesty include academic sanctions, such as failing or otherwise reduced grades, and/or disciplinary sanctions, including suspension or expulsion.

Academic integrity is at the core of a college or university education. Faculty assign essays, exams, quizzes, projects, and so on both to extend the learning done in the classroom and as a means of assessing that learning. When students violate the academic integrity policy (i.e., β€œcheat”), they are committing an act of theft that can cause real harm to themselves and others including, but not limited to, their classmates, their faculty, and the caregivers who may be funding their education. Academic dishonesty confers an unfair advantage over others, which undermines educational equity and fairness. Students who cheat place their college's accreditation and their own future prospects in jeopardy.

On every exam, you will sign the following pledge: β€œI agree to complete this exam without unauthorized assistance from any person, materials or device.”

Note on Generative AI: This course assumes that all work (i.e., formative assignments and summative assessments) and communications (i.e., messages and emails) have been created by the student or the student's group. The use of generative AI tools (such as ChatGPT, Copilot, Gemini, and others) to complete this course is strictly prohibited, and will be treated as academic dishonesty. Please contact the instructor if you have questions.