HEART: Computer Security and Privacy for the Modern World

Fall 2021

Course Instructor: Tushar Jois

Can we build reliable, secure computer systems that ensure user privacy? We'll look at three key areas of cutting-edge research -- censorship resistance, the Internet-of-Things, and electronic voting -- and see if we can start to answer this question! Every class, lecture material will be accompanied by a hands-on component designed to provide first-hand experience in computer security and privacy. (No prerequisites, 1 credit, S/U grading)

🧡️ EN.600.111(26) meets Wednesdays from 4 - 5:15p in Krieger 309.
💙 EN.600.111(33) meets Thursdays from 4 - 5:15p in Krieger 309.

Course Goals

By the end of this course, students...

Course Work and Expectations

This course is subject to the Academic Integrity Code of the Department of Computer Science.

Course Schedule

There are 10 class meetings during the semester; the first meeting will be held the week of September 9. The last meeting will be held the week of November 17. Note that this means the two sections do not have the same content in a calendar week – please double check the schedule for your section’s reading.

Reading is mandatory, and is typically introductory-level. Try your best to understand these. Optional reading is not mandatory, and typically consists of research papers in the field. They may be more difficult to read. Every session will have some kind of interactive, in-class activity -- make sure to bring your computer to class! Slides will be posted here after both class meetings.

Schedule last updated Thu Oct 28 3:00 PM EDT 2021.
  1. Introduction'); DROP TABLE Syllabus; -- (slides)
  1. It's a Unix system! I know this! (slides)
  1. Better living through cryptography (slides)
  1. Trust? In my hardware? It's more likely than you think. (slides)
  1. Wait, I thought this was about security and privacy? (slides)
  1. The Signal in the noise (slides)
  1. Sherlock Phones: Forensics and privacy in smartphones (slides)
  1. The “S” in “IoT” stands for “Security” (slides)
  1. Technology at the ballot box (slides)
  1. Group presentations